FIRST PERFORMANCE!!!!! Absolutely crazy - where did the time go?! I feel like we just had our first rehearsal only a week ago...
11:15am we are headed down to Indianola, IA, to perform at Connect 55+. With the exception of a little traffic for Bella's carload, we all had smooth sailing to our destination. Shout out to Haylie for being an awesome co-pilot, and to Ms. Anna's mom for letting us use her mini van to carpool the dancers.
We arrive at Connect 55+ all ready to go! Immediately we are escorted to our luxury dressing room (model resident room), and then head to our performance space. Quick and easy 15 minute run through/Q&A in the new space, and then back to the dressing room for lunch!
10 minutes until showtime and the dancers were already being swamped by the fans! This cutie was in awe of our dancers, and jumped at the idea of getting in the group picture.
Performance time! B O R N A G A I N was a success! The residents welcomed the girls with open arms and LOVED the dances. Post performance was spent talking with the residents, and answering questions. Such a refreshing Saturday afternoon, and an even better first performance! Thank you Connect 55+ for being our guinea pig audience for B O R N A G A I N - we hope to be back soon!
Wrapping up our time at Connect 55+:
Collecting props
Gathering costumes
Cleaning the dressing room
Loading up in the cars/SUVs
Wait Lydia left her blanket...come on Lydia
NOW leaving!
Following our performance, EPAC had a Bible study outing at Porch Light - bring on the pumpkin spice lattes! We spent an hour drinking coffee, studying the Bible, and browsing the nearby shops. It was a pretty eventful Saturday!
QUOTES of the day:
"Help I've fallen and I can't get up" - Ruby
"Can you not math?!" - Anonymous
Araceli's Jeep is having issues with the trunk - aint latching!
Lydia might have dementia... I only mentioned "make sure you got all your stuff" 10 times.
Bella got doinked in the head by a book. Hardcover.